On 5/17/2024 - Steve noticed robins flying in under our dog kennel with long dead grass. We moved one of our security cameras to catch the nest building that night. The next day I was really surprised to see how well they could build it in a single day! I collected a video from … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2024
Eastern Bluebird visits the bird bath
I'm never sure why but we don't have too many bluebirds around here. Bluebirds are not typical feeder birds - they are insectivores. However, we have robins who eat worms and other bugs, flickers who eat tons of ants, orioles who largely eat bugs (but do come for the jelly & … [Read more...]
Blogging & Tech Update
I had let this site stagnate again. BUT - I've revived it. I'm hopeful that we'll stay on top of it, but I'm also a realist and since I've had a long history of going long spells without updating here - keep your expectations low. Even when I'm not updating here - we are … [Read more...]
Tale of 3 Toads
Steve spotted these 3 toads while I was away. It was one of those days where there were a lot of flying insects, some light rain and all of the toads were out earlier in the day than we typically see them. Check out this video of 3 toads that he saw that day. He also … [Read more...]
Tilda meets a crayfish
We have occasionally seen crayfish here over the years. Typically, they've been deceased and we would think they were dropped or discarded by a bird. We've seen a live one a couple of other times though. I did NOT know that there were burrowing species of crayfish that primarily … [Read more...]
Spring Migrator Updates
So - most of our spring migrators have been seen. I caught a glimpse of an Eastern Bluebird (no pic) on 5/6/2024 - but it hardly even landed and it got scared away. The orioles are back in large numbers. We regularly have 3 males and 3 females (coming separately mostly for now). … [Read more...]