It's been a good year for toads. As it starts getting hotter & drier most years they move on, so not sure how much longer they'll be here. So, we had to head out in the last couple weeks on a toad hunt. Here's some of our favorite photos. First up is the one we call … [Read more...]
Tale of 3 Toads
Steve spotted these 3 toads while I was away. It was one of those days where there were a lot of flying insects, some light rain and all of the toads were out earlier in the day than we typically see them. Check out this video of 3 toads that he saw that day. He also … [Read more...]
Steve’s Catch & Release Nature Day
Daytime Toad, Trapped Snake, the Mating Rituals of Wild Turkeys, baby Rabbits I (Elizabeth) got up and left the house at about 9am. Steve was staying up waiting for Duke to begin his day (it's Duke's world & we just live in it these days). He walked outside just after I … [Read more...]
VIDEO: American Toad climbing onto porch!
We often see the toads on our side porch. There's a light in this area that attracts bugs and so lots of herps gather under the light. Last night, it was a warm-ish spring rain and my husband let the dogs out at about 1am and spotted quite a few toads and even a frog! The … [Read more...]
Late Night Toad Sighting
Steve went out to take the trash out late and nearly stepped on this little guy. He moved him over into the flower bed and snapped a couple pics for me! … [Read more...]
First Toad of 2024!
It's been such a mild year I'm surprised we didn't see one sooner almost! Nonetheless obligatory first toad pictures. … [Read more...]