The sky had a pink-ish hue tonight and there was a wild lightning show in the sky! Check out the video. Bonus footage of a couple of our last caterpillars. We have several caterpillars that formed their chrysalis on the siding of our house and I'm not sure they are going to make … [Read more...]
Read all about the monarch butterfly population in our backyard
Monarch Caterpillars, Chrysalis & Butterflies!
Monarch Watch 2023 is in full effect! We have all forms of Monarch currently! We are seeing butterflies, have a few chrysalises hanging and several caterpillars munching! Here's some shots from around the milkweed. A little milkweed can support an amazing amount of life! … [Read more...]
Monarch Caterpillar becomes Chrysalis!
This is the moment we've been waiting and waiting to see! If you'll remember we've tried capturing this on video and in time lapse photos and have missed it every time. We were out today just looking for caterpillars and happened to see this one actually forming the chrysalis. … [Read more...]
Hungry, Hungry Monarch Caterpillars
I got home from a road trip and was overjoyed to see that we had a lot of caterpillars munching on the milkweed! Here's some snaps from daytime and also in the evening. Steve likes to photograph them at night. they are a little easier to spot because they are one of the only … [Read more...]
What’s New Around the yard? Feeder & Flower updates
Spring is an exciting time of year! Every day brings new visitors to the yard and new things are sprouting up and beginning to bloom. It's my favorite time of year because everything feels dynamic and the world is full of possibility. So, here's a few updates! Here's the … [Read more...]
First Successful Monarch 2022
We have had 2 Chrysalis hanging for little over a week. I've nicknamed them "Soul" (on the swamp milkweed known as "Soulmate") and "Iris" (on the Iris). Soul was formed a little over 24 hours before Iris and I expected Soul to emerge any day now. I had the camera on Soul this … [Read more...]