We are working with the video mode on the Bird Photo Booth now and will post a few of these individual species videos. Here's the White Breasted Nuthatch visiting the feeder station for a peanut, taking one to go and then returning. 20 Seconds of Nuthatch awesomeness … [Read more...]
Bird Photo Booth Day Two – Improving
Well, last night we were looking at our pictures and I was looking at other's pictures on the Facebook user group. My feeder bowl seemed much lower than theirs. That's when I realized that I could turn the angle bracket the other direction to bring the feeder bowl into better … [Read more...]
Bird Photo Booth Day One – Learning
Steve found an article online with close detailed photos of feeder birds and the lady in the article was asked how she got those photos, and she shared her setup called a Bird Photo Booth 2.0. It is commercially available everywhere. It has poor reviews and so I was hesitant. But … [Read more...]
What do you feed the birds in your Backyard?
I thought I’d ask around about what types of seed other birders have success with. Here is what we feed in our backyard and where: We have a pole that has a few different feeders on it: A 12 Seater Medium Sized Bird Feeder – Filled with Black Oil Sunflower Seeds A 4 … [Read more...]