I continue to just be amazed that things come back year after year! I know that I’m a new-er gardener, but every spring I just get so excited to go out and see all of the shoots.
To the left is our newest flower bed. This is in our front yard and we planted this late last year with mostly plants that were given to me by a friend from church. I also moved a daylily here and a couple of other things. I know there’s bee balm and some sort of daisy I think. I know there’s an orange thyme and a parsley. There’s a viburnum shrub to anchor that corner of the house as it grows.
Things are going pretty well in our circle bed in the front. I think that I’ll expand it again this year. Our daffodils and grape hyacinth came in great. Last year all of the tulips were eaten by rabbits before the flowers opened. I was hopeful that they would come back, but they have not. We only have a few yellow tulips. So, definitely want to add more tulip bulbs this fall. I planted some glads in the middle of this bed today so we’ll see if those work. The Crown Imperial all came back and I think it’ll be a great year for the irises.
Some of the milkweed is sprouting (to the right with red stalks). And the hostas (below) are coming back and so did the bleeding heart! I moved the bleeding heart to be in a shadier spot and I was worried that I did it too late. I’m excited for this whole area to fill in with hostas some day.
The Coral Bells that I planted last year after their blooming cycle seem to be doing well. I’m excited to see how they work out here. I think their foliage adds some interest.
Oh! And we saw our first brown thrashers this week. I hope we get a breeding pair again. They are so fun to watch with their young. We also had a Flicker spend over an hour in the front yard today sunning and eating ants.
AND! Steve spotted the first Baltimore Oriole of the year today also. Good birding day!
We found a little robin’s egg dropped in the middle of the yard this week. We moved it to this elevated feeder stand and I think an opossum or raccoon took it. We also got the bird bath out this week and birds have been loving it.
I blogged a whole year in our nature lives today and that was a whirlwind. It was fun to look back at what we saw last year. I still wish I could keep up with it as we go, but definitely no promises there! It did make me feel inspired to get some cameras out on the feeders this week! I want to catch some orioles and catbirds.