As winter wears on and it’s not fit for man nor beast outdoors, what are we left to do? *Squirrel is made of Legos. Almonds are made of almonds. … [Read more...]
Snowed Out?
Couldn’t get in the driveway last night coming home from work. This is what it looks like today! Steve has a friend coming over to plow us out. Until then, we are snowed out. I lost a boot in the drift earlier. This winter just keeps wearing on. Both cars had to park at … [Read more...]
Winter Wonderland
There’s a lot of deep snow, the temps are ridiculously low and we have more wildlife in our yard than ever before! 2 deer and also note the Hairy Woodpecker on the suet cake. 6 turkeys and more lurking around. We had as many as 9 that we could see at once several … [Read more...]