Well, we’ve been living through a year of work from home with the dogs.
After spending a LOT of quality time with Duke we’ve seen some things improve and others change. Like many people out there, being at home with so much time on our hands made us consider adding a dog to our pack this year. However, we had an opportunity to spend about a week with a 4-month-old German Shepherd puppy that we transported for my mom and that killed any thought we had of adding a dog to this pack. It just wasn’t fun for Duke. He didn’t like anything about a puppy. He may take an older dog, but we think we want to raise another young dog while we are still young enough. So, we think we won’t make Duke adapt to another dog.

That said, he’s a fun dog to work from home with.
He lazes around and prods you about twice a day to get up and go outside for a minute. He’s the perfect work buddy. Not intrusive, but helpful. This year HAS been hard on the dogs in that they feel territorial and are a bit more hostile towards people coming to the door. Food is the way to Duke’s heart though. A friend brought over a dish of smoked sausage and Duke never even barked at him! He travelled with us last fall to stay at an AirBnB in northern Michigan (it was Covid safe and during a time there weren’t restrictions in place preventing it). That was fun. He was good. Tilda went to boarding so it was cool to have that one-on-one time with him, but he really missed her! He was so happy to see her when she came back from boarding.
The many looks of a sleepy basset