We've had Tilda for 4 YEARS! Oh my how far we've come. She's estimated to be 5 years old now and boy has she matured into a beautiful, fun dog. She is my heart dog. She & I are so bonded. We've become a team through Barn Hunt, but even better, we've become a whole pack over … [Read more...]
Quarantined with Duke
That said, he's a fun dog to work from home with. He lazes around and prods you about twice a day to get up and go outside for a minute. He's the perfect work buddy. Not intrusive, but helpful. This year HAS been hard on the dogs in that they feel territorial and are a bit … [Read more...]
Duke Fits Right In
Duke has been with us for a full year now! It feels like Duke has just always been here. He fits right in. He's our whiniest basset ever, but also the snuggliest. He loves to sleep and to get belly rubs. Squeaker toys that fit right in his mouth are his favorite. He is EXCELLENT … [Read more...]
2 Years of Tilda
Well, it's now been 2 years with this sweet girl in our home. She's learned SO much. When we went to see her in her foster home, she had no sense of being a hound. Now, she's starting to really see the world through her nose and it's making her so much fun. I just love hounds! … [Read more...]
Tilda – Year in Review
Another year with our beautiful coonhound rescue Tilda. She just continues to advance in her training and her confidence. She is the sweetest dog. Here's some photos of this year! Also, this dog can DIG! … [Read more...]
Tilda earns her Novice Title
We had a great day in Barn Hunt today. Tilda found all of her ratties and earned her last 2 legs of her Novice title. It took us a while to get going, but we are starting to communicate better and her confidence is growing and our trust is growing. Barn Hunt is such a fun sport. … [Read more...]