Duke has been with us for a full year now! It feels like Duke has just always been here. He fits right in. He’s our whiniest basset ever, but also the snuggliest. He loves to sleep and to get belly rubs. Squeaker toys that fit right in his mouth are his favorite. He is EXCELLENT at catching anything out of the air. Frisbees, treats, balls, toys anything. He loves carrots and green beans and lettuce. The guy hasn’t met a vegetable he didn’t like. He snores like crazy and never goes far from me. He is easy to walk and is learning other new tricks. He waits for his meals patiently. Lays down on command. Knows drop it and leave it. He comes when you call him, though sometimes with that basset hound delay. He will go around things rather than jump. He’s terrified of fireworks and gunfire no matter how far away. We call him rhino because he just plows right through things. He’s really into plush toys and he always has a favorite until it gets so well loved the squeaker doesn’t work, then he moves on. He’s nervous around other people that aren’t Steve & I and we cannot keep him from barking. He’s not overly friendly to other dogs but gets along great with Tilda. It takes him a while to warm up.