Welcome to our hobby page dedicated to Our Backyard!

We have a lot of fun things happening right here in our own backyard in Mid Michigan. We feed birds and have many species present every day. We also have a variety of other animals that spend either a little or a lot of time here from Squirrels, Rabbits, Opossums, Wild Turkeys, the occasional deer, ring necked pheasant, mice, and of course, our favorites, toads, frogs, turtles and other sorts of amphibians and reptiles.
I’ve been hard at work on the site. I’ve got photos now of Toads posted from September of 2008, when this project was first considered thru the present day. I’ve also been writing quite a few new blog posts about the happenings here in the Backyard. I’ve also been posting a lot of information on what has been happening in the Backyard as far as landscaping projects. We also have a lot of information here about our Barn Hunt training and rescue dogs.
Keep watching for updates. I have a lot of plans for this site.