Okay, so destroying might be a bit dramatic! BUT - there was some tipping over. On Day 2 when I went out after work to pull the card, there was still some daylight left, so I swapped SD cards and left the feeder out. That's when we had our first climber! So, Day 3, I was … [Read more...]
Squirrel eating buds from maple tree
Today, Steve spotted a squirrel up in the maple tree today. It was pretty windy and he was swaying around but it took me a bit to get the camera ready. We were curious what he was doing. He's eating the brand new buds from the maple tree. Pretty interesting. Check it out! … [Read more...]
Battling Cabin Fever
As winter wears on and it’s not fit for man nor beast outdoors, what are we left to do? *Squirrel is made of Legos. Almonds are made of almonds. … [Read more...]
Squirrely Little Buggers
And we’ve reached that point in the winter where the snow is so high, no baffle can keep the squirrels out of the feeders. … [Read more...]