Watching robins scratching thru the leaf litter underneath the pine trees this afternoon makes it easy to remember spring is nearby even though most everything else is covered in snow. This picture is from yesterday before the snow & is zoomed in a lot. But, I liked seeing … [Read more...]
In Defense of the Brown Headed Cowbird
For my Feature Friday today I chose the brown headed cowbird. It's nesting season and with so many more people watching birds and setting up nest cams and the like, lots of folks on the internet are seeing their robin-sized brown speckled eggs showing up in their nests and the … [Read more...]
New to Me! Pine Siskins Visit
This winter I joined a bunch of different backyard birdwatching groups on Facebook and I've seen people all throughout the South talking about sick Pine Siskins on their feeders. There were huge salmonella outbreaks and folks had to take their feeders in for 2 weeks or longer to … [Read more...]
Blue Jay avoids Feeder Cam
I have blue jays here all the time. We don't have quite as many this year as we have in previous years. We used to have as many as 3 pairs hanging around. We probably only have one pair and couple that are single and ready to mingle that stop by once in a while this year. One of … [Read more...]
New Bird Photo Booth setup
The tripod that I got with the bird photo booth is good quality, better than I initially thought, however, it's challenging to squirrel proof it AND it's somewhat limiting in terms of using the feeder on the angle bracket. Our birds have a big platform and some birds just didn't … [Read more...]
Pileated Woodpecker Returns
Exciting birdwatching day from the house. The pileated woodpecker came back! I was able to finally get some decent pics of him? I am so excited about getting the photographs I now need to learn more about the differences between male/female! Here's my best pics from his visit. … [Read more...]