I haven't posted much Duke content lately and I want to make sure he doesn't get jealous! Nobody can stand up to a jealous basset hound! We were out on a walkabout and as I was photographing these newly sprouted dandelions, here was my buddy, coming along to check out fresh … [Read more...]
Reflections on 1 Year of Quarantine
On March 13th 2020, I was sent home from my workplace with my computer and all of my gear for an indefinite period of work from home. I'd already been working from home once a week for several years so the concept wasn't totally foreign to me. But, this was my first foray into … [Read more...]
Quarantine Halloween
While we didn't make it to our usual Tricks for Treats event at the Woof Woods dog park, we did get dressed up and go for a little walk right around here. Here's today's pics and a couple other recent photos of these hounds dogs. … [Read more...]
Pandemic Life with my trio
Like much of America, I was sent to work from home on March 13th 2020. We thought it might be short term, but it looks to be much longer term now. My husband is also home, so it's just the 5 of us, trying to keep each other sane and not make each other miserable. My office is … [Read more...]
Sleepy Friends
I was going to title this post, “Fast Friends”, but really there is nothing fast about these two. They have become good buddies though! … [Read more...]
I’ve been photographing Chip so much lately that I thought Quincy needed a couple pictures. ;) She has been doing really great. She is a wonderful big sister to Chip. She feels sad when she isn’t with him and vice versa. She has been doing well in the house … [Read more...]