Like much of America, I was sent to work from home on March 13th 2020. We thought it might be short term, but it looks to be much longer term now. My husband is also home, so it’s just the 5 of us, trying to keep each other sane and not make each other miserable.
My office is set up in our spare bedroom and most days involve me at the computer, Tilda on the spare bed which she thinks belongs to her. Duke is in a bed on the floor usually, but he is the most likely to roam. The cat is usually somewhere around my computer. I’ve set her up with a perch area by the window and from there, she can look down upon me and the hounds.

We call Duke the VP of Napping and Snacking. Those are 2 things he’s really good at. He’s been earning top marks in his performance evaluations.

Tilda is the Head of Security. She alerts us whenever the mail lady arrives, delivery people are at the door, guests pull in the driveway, a loud vehicle drives past, a squirrel is acting unruly, someone is home at the neighbor’s house or deer are on the move. She’s a versatile employee and she really likes to bark out orders.

The cat is by far the most annoying coworker. If I get up from the computer and fail to lock the screen she is apt to start messaging my real life coworkers on skype.
One of the nice things about Steve & I being home with everybody has been seeing Tilda bloom into a beautiful house dog. She’s been a reliable Barn Hunt partner and a great dog to have on a walk, but she’s really grown into her inner couch potato. AND her and the cat are just doing so great. You would not believe that this dog in the video below came to us fairly cat unsafe. We used the crate and a series of baby gates for MONTHS to desensitize her. This cat worked hard to get to this point. She would stand her ground and never run. She’d spend so much time in statue mode just convincing this dog she wasn’t a prey animal. This moment was a really proud one we might have missed were it not for living the quarantine life.