PSA - Check your egress for frogs/toads after the rain the last couple days. We caught & released 15 frogs this morning from our crawl space egress. Wood frog, leopard frog and green frog all about the same size. I rescue a few from here all the time. I try to check everyday, … [Read more...]
Archives for August 2020
Duke has vertigo
More dog trouble - My rescued basset hound, Duke (age 9) seems to have vertigo. We thought he had a stroke (he still might). At 3:30 am today, he woke us up stumbling down the hall and running into walls. After a day at the vet, he's home and resting now. The vet thinks it is … [Read more...]
Tilda gets stung by bees
Tilda got into a ground hive of yellow jackets that was right in her potty area. She was stung by about a half dozen or more. Steve was out with her and she went wild thrashing around and he had to pluck them off of her. Luckily, we had an antihistamine and my friends here were … [Read more...]