I've been a supporter of the non-profit organization Preemptive Love Coalition for a number of years. I appreciate the work they do with refugees in Syria and Iraq. I valued the work they were a part of repairing hearts of children in these war torn countries. I also feel that … [Read more...]
Pandemic Life with my trio
Like much of America, I was sent to work from home on March 13th 2020. We thought it might be short term, but it looks to be much longer term now. My husband is also home, so it's just the 5 of us, trying to keep each other sane and not make each other miserable. My office is … [Read more...]
A trip to a VERY Big yard
While on a trip to Texas to see my BFF, I had the unique pleasure visiting a botanical garden near Austin, TX. Here’s a few pics from the trip. … [Read more...]
Trip to the Thumb Octagon Barn and Agricultural Museum
Today Steve & I stepped out of the backyard and went to the Octagon Barn in Gagetown, Michigan. They have a Fall Family Days Festival the weekend after Labor Day every year. I’ve never been before. Honestly, I didn’t even know about the octagon barn until I heard about … [Read more...]
Michigan Basset Waddle 2010
Steve, Quincy, Chip & I all headed out this morning to participate in the Michigan Basset Rescue’s Basset Hound Waddle in Birmingham, MI. This was our first time attending and I am SO glad that we went. Steve and I waited for the shuttle for a while, but we ended … [Read more...]