Daytime Toad, Trapped Snake, the Mating Rituals of Wild Turkeys, baby Rabbits
I (Elizabeth) got up and left the house at about 9am. Steve was staying up waiting for Duke to begin his day (it’s Duke’s world & we just live in it these days). He walked outside just after I left and he found this toad in the sand where I normally have my vehicle parked. He wanted to move him so that he wouldn’t be run over or bake in the hot sun after my car was moved. He placed him in one of my toad homes! Check out a slideshow showing where he saw him, a size comparison and where he moved him to.

So, after moving the toad to safety, Steve was picking up poo in the yard and doing some pre-lawn mowing tasks. When he opened up the garage, he found that a snake got into the garage and then got into one of our mousetraps we have! Luckily – it didn’t seem to have been trapped long and was still alive, so he was able to release it and relocate it. He took it down the road a bit because we currently have a pretty high snake population. Here’s an image of the snake in the trap and then a video below of the snake being released.
While Steve was releasing the snake – he noticed 4 wild turkeys in the field near where he was releasing the snake. There was one hen and 3 big toms. The tom turkeys started really showing off! The ended up pushing each other around like sumo wrestlers! Steve caught it all on video. See below.

Then, later in the afternoon, after I was home and after he’d done the trimming and the mowing, Steve took his leaf blower out to clean up some grass debris from around the house. He came upon a small rabbit in the flower bed and for reasons unknown – he just snatched it up! He grabbed it up by the scruff like you would a kitten and it just started screaming! We got it settled down and relocated him to across the road.

That was a lot of nature to handle in a single day! At the end of the day – we all felt a little like Duke – in need of a nap.