What a sweet boy! … [Read more...]
A couple sleepy hound dogs
My basset hounds, sleeping on the couch. Chip loves being so close to Quincy. … [Read more...]
Michigan Basset Waddle 2010
Steve, Quincy, Chip & I all headed out this morning to participate in the Michigan Basset Rescue’s Basset Hound Waddle in Birmingham, MI. This was our first time attending and I am SO glad that we went. Steve and I waited for the shuttle for a while, but we ended … [Read more...]
Nice Weather, Dogs Playing in the yard
Just a few shots of my favorite basset hounds enjoying the nice weather! … [Read more...]
A New Basset Hound
So, Shadow wasn’t quite the right dog for us. She really needs a more active household and is much happier where she is now. However, we decided that a 2nd dog might be a good idea. We started looking around at other breeds, but decided that the basset hound is a dog well … [Read more...]