When Steve bought this property our scraggly apple tree was in really bad shape. We’ve tended it and tried to get it back. It has given apples and it was very productive several years ago. However, it seems to be nearing the end of its life. It had some damage originally and then over the years it’s gotten a bit worse. It still has a few years left probably.
BUT – we wanted to make sure that we have a fruit bearing tree ready to take it’s place. So, we ordered a 5-in-1 Apply Tree from FastGrowingTrees.com. We got it planted in and ready to go. I’m excited to see it add to our yard in the years to come. We’ve still got to add some mulch, but I’m happy with the looks of it!

We’ve also been busy planting lots and lots of flower bulbs. I’m excited to see what will sprout in the spring!