We still have 3 deer coming in regularly. We thought that mom would separate from the youngsters during the rut but they've still sort of stuck together we think. Also we haven't had a red squirrel out here in years and now we think we have a few! Red squirrels can be much … [Read more...]
Backyard Updates!
Some backyard updates - I think the hummingbirds are bringing juveniles to the feeder. We've had a ton of action at the feeder and so I put out the camera today to try to see what they are up to. We've seen 3 at one time for sure and maybe 4. That's a lot more than we've had … [Read more...]
A Strange Beetle!
I think that I've had this exact same blog title before. So, we saw a strange beetle! Check out a video of him and see how big he is in comparison to a standard Bic lighter. Steve also saw a butterfly down on the ground moving its wings. It's not a monarch but still … [Read more...]
Twin Fawns born again
We have a doe around here that has had twins on a number of occasions. This year she's raising two again. We are mindful to watch out for them ALL to cross the road. I'm hoping she can raise them both up successfully. They spent some time frolicking around the backyard this … [Read more...]
Deer & Turkeys visit
It was a pretty big day around here! We don't see the deer come into the yard very often but we do have a doe raising twins this year. We've also been visited by some turkeys on occasion. But, today they all showed up to the party! Here's some pics. … [Read more...]
Winter Wonderland
There’s a lot of deep snow, the temps are ridiculously low and we have more wildlife in our yard than ever before! 2 deer and also note the Hairy Woodpecker on the suet cake. 6 turkeys and more lurking around. We had as many as 9 that we could see at once several … [Read more...]