I had let this site stagnate again. BUT – I’ve revived it. I’m hopeful that we’ll stay on top of it, but I’m also a realist and since I’ve had a long history of going long spells without updating here – keep your expectations low.
Even when I’m not updating here – we are always taking photos and videos and then eventually – I’ll add them here. WordPress now lets me add posts and choose not to email all of the subscribers – so that pleases me. I hate spamming people with all of my old stuff, but also I truly keep this as our own journal and so I like to fill in the blanks sometimes. There are whole years though that apparently I didn’t journal anything. That’s sad.

Anyways – For those who are interested – I did add all of the 2023 posts. 2023 was a great nature year. We had robins successfully fledge a brood in a nest on our back porch light. We had a constant nest cam and I posted a bunch of the best updates including first flight of our nestling. We also had hummingbirds successfully fledge a nest and we got to experience a bunch of tiny hummingbirds buzzing all around in August. It was awesome. We had a lot of monarch caterpillars, but we had a lot of them not make it to butterfly. We had 6 put their chrysalis right on the siding of our house and then they did not work. I think they got too hot. If that happens again, I’m going to move them I think. I’ve been reading about it. So – all of 2023 is out there now.
I also wanted to update what the tech is that we are using here.
I still have the GoPro Hero Black 9. I’m still using it with the GoPro Labs Firmware to accomplish something like motion detection. But, it’s not ideal.
Many of our photos and videos come from our phone cameras. We are both rocking the Samsung Galaxy S21.
We also have Blink outdoor cameras and you’ll see videos on those – especially some of our night visitors. We’ve also used Blink cameras for the nest cam for the robins.
I still have my Canon digital camera, but haven’t had it out of the case in years. I also still have the Bird Photo Booth but haven’t had it out of the box in a few years now.
This week I got a Birdfy camera and set it up. Here’s one of my first videos! A white breasted nuthatch.
I’m still learning about it and I want to figure out some different mounting options. The mounts for the GoPro are unparalleled. I want to find a way to use my Birdfy camera with my GoPro mounts.
I’ll do another post soon with a full review of the Birdfy camera. I have a Birdfy Feeder arriving later as well.