We had a winter storm here on Monday night. Tuesday morning I was leaving for work, and 4 ducks were in the end of the driveway. We are about a mile from the river and other sources of water. We see waterfowl flying throughout the year, but rarely in winter. Most of the water close to the house freezes over in the winter, so it was odd to see the ducks.

They came up by the house and walked all around. Steve’s friend had snowplowed these trails through the deep snow and they just walked all around the trails. Steve was home and took a bunch of pictures of them.
What a lot of changes for one week?! A new dog and now four ducks!
It was hard to keep the dogs away from the them. Quincy did chase after them and caught up to them once. She seemed curious about the and smelled them. That’s how we learned their wings were clipped. They couldn’t fly away from here. She just sniffed them though and went into her play stance like she was going to play with the ducks!
They came just a few feet from the back door!

We are trying to find a home for them. They are just camped out in the front of our house by the road. We have a stand of trees near the ditch and they are somewhat protected against the wind. I don’t know how long they are going to stay, but so far they seem to be doing okay. You can see them here marching right past our feeder area.

Steve took the picture to the right. I really think it turned out nice!