Steve spotted the first Rose Breasted Grosbeak of this year yesterday. Pretty exciting. That is a sure sign of spring. Also, I received our new Digital Camera. We are going to have TONS of wildlife pictures coming soon now! Here is the camera that I bought. So … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2009
Eastern Towhee In the Backyard
We fed the birds last night and so today was a pretty good birdwatching day. We also used the last of our thistle seed last night and the last of the sunflower seed, so I’m going to start tracking my seed usage and costs to get a handle on that. Also, to share that … [Read more...]
Strange Disease or Wound seen on American Toad (bufo americanus)
So, today, we were outside refilling the bird feeders. We had kind of let them empty during this week, so all of the birds were “waiting in the wings”. As we were finishing, Steve spotted a toad that looked as if it had a bum hind leg. It was kind of half buried, … [Read more...]
Garter Snake Spotted Today
Today was a beautiful day in the Great Lakes region of Mid-Michigan. Temperatures were around 75 degrees Fahrenheit and the sun was shining bright. It was a great day for us to get out and do some much needed backyard cleanup. The birdfeeding area really needed … [Read more...]
Quincy’s Been in this Backyard for One Year!
When we first got Quincy, she was 12 weeks old and had never set foot on grass! What a long way she has come! Happy One Year in your Forever Home, Girl! It’s been so busy, we didn’t do much to mark this occasion, but there may have been a few extra treats … [Read more...]