I've been a bit remiss about these Friday Features. We are still dealing with Tilda's illness and we've been working on lots of outdoor landscaping projects in our free time. I want to get back at it though! So, without further ado, here's our featured species for this week, … [Read more...]
Orioles and Grosbeaks returning!
This week we had the Baltimore Orioles returning, in small numbers still. We've also been seeing the Rose Breasted Grosbeaks. Right now, we have just 2 or 4 grosbeaks. We'll usually see a few more as we get closer to summer. We also spotted the Eastern Towhee this week, … [Read more...]
Rose Breasted Grosbeaks Return & New Camera!
Steve spotted the first Rose Breasted Grosbeak of this year yesterday. Pretty exciting. That is a sure sign of spring. Also, I received our new Digital Camera. We are going to have TONS of wildlife pictures coming soon now! Here is the camera that I bought. So … [Read more...]