It happened again that we came upon a snake eating a toad. Steve stepped out the door and the snake was writhing and trying to get it in. It was far too late to intervene so nature had to take its course. We quietly videotaped and recorded the scene and then let the snake be. If … [Read more...]
Eastern Towhee In the Backyard
We fed the birds last night and so today was a pretty good birdwatching day. We also used the last of our thistle seed last night and the last of the sunflower seed, so I’m going to start tracking my seed usage and costs to get a handle on that. Also, to share that … [Read more...]
Strange Disease or Wound seen on American Toad (bufo americanus)
So, today, we were outside refilling the bird feeders. We had kind of let them empty during this week, so all of the birds were “waiting in the wings”. As we were finishing, Steve spotted a toad that looked as if it had a bum hind leg. It was kind of half buried, … [Read more...]