I continue to just be amazed that things come back year after year! I know that I'm a new-er gardener, but every spring I just get so excited to go out and see all of the shoots. To the left is our newest flower bed. This is in our front yard and we planted this late last … [Read more...]
Black birds are migrating!
It seems like everything is happening a little early this year. Big flocks of black birds - cowbirds, red winged blackbirds, starlings, grackles - are all migrating. Here's a view of them taking over the feeder zone this afternoon. Sometimes people just see and refer to these all … [Read more...]
Hawk eating a dove
Content Warning: Circle of LifeI haven't taken too many pictures or videos of late, but we have a TON of birds coming every day. This hawk has been around for probably 2 weeks now. This was the first time I'd ever seen a hawk actually feed. I've seen them get something and fly … [Read more...]
Winter Visitors
Steve has been snow blowing some trails for critters so this place has been busy! Turkeys are coming through every day and roosting for the night in the woods out back. Fox Squirrels are here all throughout the day. We have cardinals, blue jays, titmice, nuthatch, downy, hairy … [Read more...]
A winter starling
Last summer we had starlings nest in the area for the first time ever. We have always seen a few here and there especially when flocks of blackbirds descend upon us briefly. However, we've never really had them around in the winter. So, here's a winter starling and it seems like … [Read more...]
Backyard Updates!
Some backyard updates - I think the hummingbirds are bringing juveniles to the feeder. We've had a ton of action at the feeder and so I put out the camera today to try to see what they are up to. We've seen 3 at one time for sure and maybe 4. That's a lot more than we've had … [Read more...]