Content Warning: Circle of Life
I haven’t taken too many pictures or videos of late, but we have a TON of birds coming every day. This hawk has been around for probably 2 weeks now. This was the first time I’d ever seen a hawk actually feed. I’ve seen them get something and fly away, but never sit and feed this way. I share it with those of you who might be interested to see it. Some might not like to watch it and that’s cool, too. I would stop filling feeders if begin to feel like I’m just putting out bait for a hawk, but so far, this is the only successful kill he’s made here in the feeder zone and hawks need to eat, too. You’ll see at the end that even his presence didn’t stop other birds from coming back in to grab their own meal.
If anyone knows for sure what hawk it is please let me know! My hawk identification skills are pretty lacking. I think maybe it’s Sharp Shinned. The bird it killed was a mourning dove. Video shot on max zoom from cell phone camera through a dirty patio door.