So, previously we had seen a diseased or injured toad in our yard, now we found this guy. He obviosly was squished or somehow harmed, but he seemed to be dealing with the injury. It was like his intestines were outside of his body but still working. We ended up letting him go. … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2010
Chip has a seizure
So, on Wednesday, I took Chip & Quincy to Keylore Kennels for dog day care like we do most weeks. I dropped them off at about 8:45am. At 9:45 am I got a call from Lisa in the office telling me that Chip was having a seizure and that he needed to see a vet. I … [Read more...]
Summer Toad Photo & a Cool Insect
Here's a nice summer toad photo. We haven’t been home as much as in previous year’s and have not seen as many toads, but they are still around. We are growing a few container vegetables this year and I spotted this very well camouflaged insect recently. Can you … [Read more...]