I was going to title this post, “Fast Friends”, but really there is nothing fast about these two. They have become good buddies though! … [Read more...]
Making Friends
Quincy & June are working on their friendship Quincy: Hey, you like looking out here, too? June: When I have nothing better to do. June: One day, you’ll learn Quincy: No, one day you’ll learn this is my favorite sleeping place … [Read more...]
Lazy Cat
This may be the most comfortable we’ve seen the cat. … [Read more...]
June–Our Cat
I really abandoned this blog. Steve mentioned the website the other day and then the bill came due for the website and I thought, hey, maybe I should do some updates. So, here I am, working on blogging the last 3 years of our lives!! Anyways, one of the big things that happened … [Read more...]