I really abandoned this blog. Steve mentioned the website the other day and then the bill came due for the website and I thought, hey, maybe I should do some updates. So, here I am, working on blogging the last 3 years of our lives!! Anyways, one of the big things that happened around here was getting our cat, June. She showed up here on Saturday when we got home from going to a late brunch. Steve was outside on the phone and she was lurking around the van. He called her over and then told me she was out there. That’s where he went wrong! I was hooked. I fed her a can of tuna and brought her in the house. She was litter trained. I took her to the vet and we made an appointment for her to get fixed. We were both still a little hesitant about her. She was a little wild and we weren’t sure how she would fit in with the dogs. But, I was committed to giving her a chance and I’ve fallen in love with her. Steve does enjoy her company now too, but it took a while for her to fit in with our family. Here’s some pictures of June.

This is the cat on the day she came home, before we let her in the house and decided she could stay. I’m sure that someone just dropped her of. Reminder, folks, don’t just drop unwanted animals off in the country. It’s not cool.

June in a box. She loves boxes as it turns out.

Looking down on all 3 of my beasties

June – maybe not a football fan?

June – the Statue
So, one funny story, you can sort of see in this picture how she has a little black cap. They call that a medicine hat in horses I learned from a co-worker. Anyways, when she first showed up in the yard, she was a little dirty. I gave her a couple of days to clean herself up, but she still had a few patches that were grease from being under vehicles. I cleaned them with a bit of soap and water, she was pretty good about it actually. But, this one spot on her head, I was scrubbing and scrubbing trying to get clean. Then, I figured out that it was part of her. She was surprisingly good natured about it all.
So, this is June, the cat that showed up in our lives.