We still have our 55 gallon aquarium going (in continuous operation since December of 2014). We haven't added any new fish recently. The community recently lost one of the YoYo Loaches though. So, we are at 2 loaches, 1 bristlenose pleco, 5 giant danios, 6 cardinal tetras, 1 … [Read more...]
Aquarium Update
While it's winter and we are stuck indoors, thought it might be fun to post about our aquarium. We have a well established 55 gallon tall tank. We have a biological under gravel filter. We have been starting to learn about a planted aquarium but we don't have CO2 or proper soil … [Read more...]
A New Aquarium
Steve and I had the opportunity to rescue some fancy guppies from death in a bucket. It’s kind of a long story, but we decided it was as good a time as any to get an aquarium. I also found out that I have an aquarium setting on my Digital Camera so I thought I should take some … [Read more...]