I haven’t done any pupdates recently and today is Tilda’s “Gotcha Day”. Tilda is doing pretty good. She’s becoming a lot more chill in the house. Her & Steve have a ton of fun together playing. She’s still wild outside. We’ve made a LOT of headway on her behavior with visitors in the house. We’ve had more people coming over and we’ve been doing some training. Here’s a video of her today outside in her full confidence and full voice – volume down if you are sensitive to sound!
Tilda is not easy to photograph! She’s either curled in a tight ball sleeping in her crate or lazed out on the bed or going berserk outside. Someday I’ll wish I took more photos of her so I’m going to start trying.

Duke is a bit of a wreck. He’s a grumpy old man now. He’s been having some health issues. He’s losing a lot of weight and has no appetite. We don’t seem to have his Cushing’s disease under good control. Also though we’ve found that his potassium is too high and he has some other enzymes off in his body. So, we are switching to a prescription food, started him on some antibiotics for pancreatitis and also a diuretic to try to get rid of some of the potassium. He isn’t taking to any of it well and he still hates eating pills. We are worried that some of the trouble was the Braunschweiger that he was getting with his meds so we’ve cut that out as well.
Here’s Duke being taunted by a squirrel!