This is a tiny potato cactus and it’s doing the thing!

We had to believe in this tiny cactus for over a year. I bought some Michigan native cacti to try as houseplants last year.
I left them in the package they arrived in for a ridiculous amount of time, so they started out poorly.
I did buy nice pots and soil for them. Then, I potted them and I did very little.
They are cacti, right? They are supposed to live through hard conditions.
Then, they did nothing as they sat here by my desk for the last year.
Surviving isn’t the same as thriving though.
Over the winter, we got a little UV light unit for them. And, we started regularly watering them.
Now, here it is! Doing some sort of cactus thing.
Achieving new growth! I honestly have no idea what to expect. Will this be a flower? Will it sprout a new potato cactus? I have no idea, it’s a mystery.

But, this new growth is exciting to us. SOMETHING is happening. Which is better than nothing. Progress.
Things had to change to get to new growth. We had to put in effort. We had to provide basic needs, light and water, in good quantity. We also had to be patient and wait perhaps.
Even though this cactus had a poor beginning, it’s now ready to shoot up into the world. I am loving watching it do its tiny cactus thing.