Well, I’ve abandoned this site just for a short period of time. I’ve worked the last 13 days in a row. Today is my first day off. I’m glad that little stretch is over and now my summer can really start.
Steve has been seeing several toads regularly. We still haven’t seen “Porch Toad” from last year. We also haven’t seen as many toads as last summer. We also haven’t spent as much time outside at night. We’ve both been pretty busy and a lot of early morning work days equals a lot of early to bed nights. Luckily we haven’t seen any more toads with the same injuries or wounds as the toad we removed from the backyard a month ago.
Bird feeding has been going pretty well. Steve has been keeping up with the feeding while my work schedule was making things really hectic. He has even continued making his own nectar. It has been a huge hit. Yesterday, when I got home from the tractor show, I was able to observe at least 3 male orioles at one time. The jelly feeder was a hotbed of activity.
I did miss the fledgling season for woodpeckers and that is so unfortunate. It is one of my favorite sights of late spring. We have seen glimpses of the Eastern Towhee, but no new pictures.
Steve and Brian moved the stump away from the pole feeder. Squirrels had learned to leap off of the stump and get onto the feeder. We were able to retain the sod from the new location, so the yard still looks intact.
Our vegetable plants (in containers) are doing great. I think that Steve has kept up with the watering (what would I do without him?). We have several peppers ready for harvest right now. The tomato plants are bouncing back. The dill is growing like crazy and I’m not sure what to do with it.
Our daylilies are blooming today. This should also help to get the hummingbirds more active in the yard. Currently, they dart in for the nectar and then head back into the forest immediately.
We’ve been seeing a LOT of rabbits lately. I suppose that leaving Quincy in the kennel last summer kept them at bay somewhat. She is such a house dog now that we haven’t put her in the outdoor kennel as much during the day. The dog grows lazier by the day. In fact, she is sleeping on the couch right now.
It is good to be back. I’ll have regular updates coming now and will also begin a few more projects on the main site in addition to this blog.