So, I try not to use this blog as a soapbox, but all of us birders and backyard wildlife enthusiasts need to get concerned about bats. White Nose Syndrome is a real threat to bat populations. Bats are a very important part of the balance in our ecosystem. I received a disturbing email alert from Bat Conservation International. I’d like to pass along this information. If you need more information or if you don’t know about White Nose Syndrome, please contact the fine folks at Bat Conservation International.
It is with great sorrow that I report the White-nose Syndrome fungus has been found on gray bats. Friday, we received word that five bats tested positive in a genetic test for the White-nose Syndrome fungus outside a cave in Shannon County, Missouri-one of only a handful of gray bat hibernacula.
Gray bats are very near and dear to Bat Conservation International’s heart. For decades, we have worked to recover the declining gray bat populations and the species was well on the road to being removed from the Federal Endangered Species List.
Because of Bat Conservation International’s strong emotional tie to this species, the gray bat was one of the first four Adopt-A-Bats to be released this past holiday season. If you’d like to support gray bats and the work we do, consider adopting a gray bat or donating online.
Thanks for your support!
Executive Director
Bat Conservation International