Chip in his Michigan jersey and Quincy in her Lions gear. During this cold winter, Chip was so happy to wear a sweater. … [Read more...]
Making Friends
Quincy & June are working on their friendship Quincy: Hey, you like looking out here, too? June: When I have nothing better to do. June: One day, you’ll learn Quincy: No, one day you’ll learn this is my favorite sleeping place … [Read more...]
Good Night
Good Night world, from Quincy & Chip … [Read more...]
Let’s Go Lions!
The dogs are hanging out watching the big game today. Detroit vs Green Bay. Things didn’t go so well and here’s Quincy after the game. She did at least get to enjoy destroying this cheesehead. Check her out on YouTube! … [Read more...]
Tricks for Treats @ Key-Lore
Good day out at Key-Lore today. Dogs were crazy, so not a lot of extra hands to use my camera, but here’s a nice one of Quincy in the off-leash dog area. She wore her pumpkin costume. … [Read more...]
Blizzard Day!
Chip & Quincy running in the big snow! We were snowed in today, no way to get dug out in time for work. Both of our jobs called off work. Steve and I stayed home and watched GroundHog Day after trying to dig out for a couple hours. Later in the day, Steve cut … [Read more...]