Back in September we planted this awesome new 5-In-1 Apple Tree. It was looking SO GOOD. Today we went outside and saw that the lower bark had ALL been gnawed by rabbits! We called & spoke with FastGrowingTrees where we got the tree. They sent a product for us to slather on … [Read more...]
Winter Laziness
Wondering what we've been up to this winter? Basically this! … [Read more...]
Winter Birdwatching
We haven't been putting out the bird feeder cams, but we are still feeding and watching birds. Here's a couple shots from the yard! … [Read more...]
Saving a White Breasted Nuthatch
Steve saved a white breasted nuthatch today while I was gone to church (and videotaped the rescue for my enjoyment!). It flew into the patio door and laid outside in the snow in the hound area. Not a good place for a tiny bird in shock. Happy to share that the bird flew away … [Read more...]
The Hounds Pick the Big Game – Super Bowl picks from Duke & Tilda
Duke & Tilda are picking the big game. We wanted to get into this animal prognostication. Each team had a treat under their paper and we counted their pick for the first one they went to. Check it out! … [Read more...]
Pileated Woodpeckers show up
Yesterday, I got the coolest Christmas gift. Steve & I went out to refill the bird feeders in the snow. When we got back inside, Steve said, oh! A big bird just swooped in and scared everyone off. So, I went looking and spotted a pileated woodpecker on a tree just behind our … [Read more...]