Sigh. It is so hard to trick an aging, hearing & vision impaired basset hound to take necessary medication. The more his hearing & vision fail, the better his sense of smell gets I think & it was already good! He gets a med for his Cushing’s twice a week & gabapentin daily. We’ve had liquid, pills and now compounded into a chewy chicken treat for the Cushings med. He hates all of them equally & rejects them. Pill pockets? He’s onto that. Hiding in wet food, cheese or peanut butter? He cares not, he’s not taking the pill. Every morning I battle to get this guy to take his life saving meds. I wish he understood I’m trying to help him. Poor Duke. So far, the only success we’ve had is in putting it into a bit of liver sausage (braunschweiger). How do you get your dogs to take pills?