Well, after catching the video of the robins with a phone camera out the patio door, I decided I needed to have more visibility in this nest, so we clipped a Blink security cam to the frame of the patio door looking at the nest. Let me tell you that this has been a brand new way of watching the nest for me! I get a notification on my phone when the nest camera is motion activated which is basically every 5 minutes from 5:30am to 9pm. That’s crazy right?! These parents are hustling to feed these babies and there’s only 3 of them! When does everyone sleep? Only at night apparently, there’s very little rest during the day, just mostly eating. A robin family is definitely a 2 parent household.
One of the things I was curious about what what happens with the nest at night and when do they get up in the morning? Here’s the video of our first overnight with the nest cam. This was on 5/21/2023.
Looking through other videos from that morning, we saw something so interesting, a pair of European Starlings attempted a raid on the nest! Watch the narrated video of the raid, what led up to it and the aftermath here.