This has been a great week for birding. Thursday, May 4th was a full moon. Friday, May 5th we saw the first Baltimore Oriole and the first Hummingbird and the first rose-breasted grosbeak of the season. There has been more rolling in every day since and today for Migratory Bird Day I can say that we’ve seen most of our summer birds return. We have heard Grey Catbird and spotted him one time, but we have not seen him coming as frequently as last year yet. We’ve had Brown Thrasher and Eastern Towhee. White Crowned Sparrows and Chipping Sparrows. We even spotted a wren! Merlin has heard even more than we’ve seen. How many migratory birds can you spot below? Sorry these pictures aren’t great, most of these I shot with my phone through the window. Keep scrolling for some videos shot with GoPro!
Here’s a male Baltimore Oriole feeding on the jelly feeder.
Here’s a great compilation video of the Chipping Sparrow, an often overlooked migrator.
Here’s brown thrasher, one of my favorites!