We captured this video of a downy woodpecker feeding its young. Pretty fun to see! … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2022
Hummingbird Update
We added a new hummingbird feeder this year. We now have 3 places for nectar. One hummingbird feeder in the backyard on a pole that also has the oriole feeder and a finch feeder. In the front yard we have a pole only a couple of feet from my office window with just a butterfly … [Read more...]
Northern Flicker Visits
We do not see the Northern Flickers every day and they never actually land on a feeder. We do have a lot of sand and a lot of ants and we typically see them where there are ant mounds. However, this one came only a few feet from the house and was finding insects in the grass. We … [Read more...]
Feeder Action
It's always fun when summer is here and we start to see mating behaviors, nest building, feeding of hatchlings and seeing the fledglings begin to come to the yard. Here's some pictures of the finches that are still flocking together around here and also a few stills of … [Read more...]
Wild Turkey Visits
We've had a few turkeys around. This hen was right in the front yard though, about 5 feet from my window! She pecked around and meandered through the yard. … [Read more...]
First Butterfly on our Butterfly Feeder!
This year, we added a 2nd hummingbird feeder, a LOT of flowers and also a new butterfly feeder. We had so much fun with the milkweed and the monarchs last year. We are hoping to attract more butterflies and more varieties this year. This is our first butterfly to visit our … [Read more...]