We have a cat. We used to call her June, but never really to her face, more like that’s her name at the vet. At home, we just call her cat, or kitty. She doesn’t really answer to that, because, well, she’s a cat.
Living through 2020 with her has been interesting and eye opening. She thinks we all are intruding on her space and life. My office is setup in the spare room and she spends a lot of time in there with me and the dogs. I’ve built her a special area by my desk in the window.

“They” said that getting your hands in dirt and growing something would help curb pandemic depression. So, I decided to grow some cat grass and put it into her window area.
This is her first time experiencing cat grass, so we took 30 seconds of video for the world to enjoy. It’s sort of calming.

In the night time hours, she releases a lot of her pent up frustrations from having us all in the same room with her all the time, by racing through the hallway and scuffing up the hall runner. Then, she looks upon you in silent judgement.