I love springtime. I think the older I get the more my favorite season it becomes. There’s so much potential!

My irises are really doing awesome this year. So far, I just have the white ones, but tons of blooms and then this purple and white one. I should have some more colors but I think they are later season blooms.

We expanded the flower beds around our house a bit more last fall and filled in with some annuals for this spring. But, we have a few things that surprised me. I was sure that I had killed this bleeding heart by moving it. But, it came back and bloomed this year which is sweet.

And then the real surprise is this columbine that is growing up in the middle of the irises. I have zero recollection of buying this or planting it. There’s a friend who has given me a LOT of my plants and perhaps she gave it to me, but I don’t know how or why I would have planted it here. This is a great place for it I think, but I just am not sure how it got here.

These are all a lot of blooms that I planted primarily to attract and provide nectar for hummingbirds and butterflies. So, I’m pretty excited to have several hummingbirds hanging around the yard pretty frequently.